Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Little Gagne For You...

Lesson - How to Write a Persuasive Essay
Gange’s Event of Instruction
1.Gain Attention -When students come into class, they will have 8 minutes to write on the journal topic on the board: “Think of a time you have been persuaded to change your mind about something.  It could be something small or something that has had a major influence on your life.  What was it that made you change your mind?  Be prepared to discuss your response.”
2.Establish purpose -Today you are going to learn how to write a persuasive essay.  It is important to be able to tie all of your ideas together in a way that makes sense to your readers and convinces them that your point of view is a valid one. By using this format, your will be able to better express the things you believe in and are passionate about.
3.Stimulate recall of prior learning - Discuss the journal topic.  Go over the order of the lesson on slide of powerpoint (Diagram of parts of a persuasive essay during which they need to take notes, “Green Eggs and Ham”, Create an outline for your own persuasive essay...topic to be revealed at the end of class!) 

4.Present content-
Diagram the parts of the persuasive essay on the board.  Students will have a copy of the diagram in front of them.  I will ask students what they think needs to go in each section, facilitating the discussion and filling in the master diagram. 
5.Guided learning -As a class, we will make an outline for a persuasive essay on Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham (from Sam’s point of view.)  We will watch a speed reading version on YouTube (approx 2 mins), I will also have the book on hand.
6.Elicit performance- Students will create an outline for the topic below, following the persuasive essay format.  Students will have the rest of the class period to work on their outlines.  The final paper will be due in three days time.
TOPIC -  Have you every wanted a climbing club? A dance club? A fear factor club? Pick one after school activity we do not currently offer and persuade the principal that it would be  a great addition to our school.  

7.Provide feedback
- As students work on their outlines, teach will take time to conference with each student and check that they are on the right track. 

8.Assess performance-
The final essay will be graded according to the rubric provided.  Students must turn in their outlines as well as their final paper.  They will also be asked to fill out a rubric for themselves and turn it in.
9.Enhance retention - At the end of the class period, students will write on their exit ticket notecard the segments of a persuasive essay (in order!) along with any questions they have. They will hand this card to the teacher on the way out. 

Rubric for Persuasive Essay Assignment

Objective Statement
The objective statement provides a clear, statement of the author's position on the topic.
The objective statement provides a statement of the author's position on the topic.
The objective statement does not exist.

Presentation of Evidence
At least three, clear pieces of evidence are given to support the author’s objective statement
Two pieces of evidence are given to support the author’s objective statement
One piece or no evidence supports the author’s objective statement

The conclusion restates the author’s objective and summarizes evidence. It ends with a POWER sentence!
The conclusion restates the author’s objective .
There is no clear conclusion.

 Submission Format
Essay is submitted on time with outline and self-evaluation attached.
Essay is submitted on time with the outline or the self-evaluation attached
Essay is late and is missing the attachments completely

Spelling and Grammar
There are no spelling or grammatical errors.
There are five or fewer spelling or grammatical errors.
There are over five errors

                                                                                                     Total Score ________________

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